Trying to create content that gets noticed on the internet? Do you want to improve your website’s SEO and drive more traffic? Skyscraper content is what you’re looking for. This technique has been proven time and time again as one of the most effective ways to build high-quality backlinks. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to implement the skyscraper content technique into your marketing strategy and watch your web traffic soar. Get ready to take your website’s SEO to new heights with the best backlinks!

Overview Of Backlinks And The Skyscraper Content Technique

When it comes to link building, you can use many different techniques to try and increase your website’s ranking in search engines. One technique that has become increasingly popular over the past few years is known as the skyscraper content technique.

The basic idea behind this approach is simple: create content that is so good that other people will want to link to it. To do this, you must first find out what content is already out there and then try to make something even better.

One way to find popular content is to use Google’s search engine. Simply type a keyword related to your niche and see what comes up. 

Once you’ve found some famous pieces of content, it’s time to start creating your version. Make sure that your article is well-researched and provides value for the reader. If you can create something better than what’s already out there, chances are good that people will link to it.

One last thing to remember is that the quality of your backlinks matters just as much as the quantity. So don’t just focus on getting a lot of links – make sure they’re coming from high-quality websites as well.

Steps To Building Backlinks Using The Skyscraper Content Technique

By following these steps, you can build high-quality backlinks using the skyscraper content technique.

Finding Potential Backlink Targets

1. Start by finding relevant, high-authority websites in your industry that have already linked to similar content. You can use a tool like BuzzSumo or Ahrefs to find this information.

2. Once you have a list of potential backlink targets, reach out to the webmasters or site owners and let them know about your new piece of content.

3. Include a link to your content in your outreach email or message so the recipient can quickly check it out.

4. Finally, follow up with prospects interested in linking to your content. This helps solidify the relationship and ensure they follow their promise.

Find Relevant Pages That Require Updating

To find relevant pages that require updating, follow these steps:

1. Use a search engine to find websites that are similar to yours in terms of topic or niche.

2. Check the website’s backlink profile using a tool like Ahrefs or Majestic.

3. Identify any broken links on the website. These are links that lead to 404 error pages.

4. Find out why the link is broken and whether the content on the page it was linking to is still relevant.

5. If the content is still relevant, reach out to the webmaster and let them know about the broken link. Include your website as a resource they can use to replace the broken link.

Creating Linkable Content

To create content that will earn high-quality backlinks, you need to start with a solid foundation. That means creating well-researched, thoroughly planned, and keyword-optimized content. But even the best content will get you so far if it’s not linkable.

Linkable content is the kind of content other websites will link to. It’s generally informative, engaging, and unique. Creating linkable content can be challenging, but it’s worth it because links from high-quality websites are one of the most important ranking factors for SEO.

Here are some tips for creating linkable content:

1. Write helpful and informative articles.

2. Find unique data sets or research and share your findings.

3. Create original infographics or videos.

4. Write blog posts that are review

Contacting Prospective Sites for Links

When you’re ready to start building links to your skyscraper content, there are a few ways to go about it. You can contact the site directly and ask if they want to link to your content. This is often the quickest and most effective way to get a link.

If you don’t know who to contact at the site, try using a tool like BuzzSumo to find the most popular articles. Once you’ve found a relevant article, you can contact the author or editor and inform them about your content.

Sometimes, a tool like Moz’s Open Site Explorer may help find potential link partners. This tool can help you find sites similar to yours regarding topics or audiences. Once you’ve found some potential link partners, you can ask them if they’d be interested in linking to your content.

Monitoring and Evaluating Results

Regarding skyscraper content, monitoring and evaluating your results is essential to ensure that your efforts are paying off. Here are a few ways to do this:

1. Check your website’s traffic statistics. This will give you an idea of how many people visit your site due to your skyscraper content.

2. Monitor your website’s search engine rankings. This will tell you how well your content is performing in terms of SEO.

3. Keep an eye on your social media metrics. This will show you how much engagement and reach your content is getting on social media.

4. Finally, ask yourself whether or not you see an increase in sales or leads. If so, then congratulations – your skyscraper content is working!

How to Create Skyscraper Content for Link Building?

To build high-quality backlinks, you need to create skyscraper content. This type of content is so good that others can’t help but link to it.

Creating skyscraper content isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worth it. Here’s a step-by-step guide for how to do it:

1. Find a famous article in your niche with many links.

2. Make a better version of that article. Yours should be at least 50% longer and include more graphics, videos, or infographics than the original.

3. Reach out to the people who linked to the original article and tell them about your new, improved version.

4. Rinse and repeat! The more great content you create, the more backlinks you’ll get.

How to Research Skyscraper Content Ideas?

When you want to write skyscraper content, the first step is to develop a great idea. And the best way to do that is to research what’s already out there.

To start, head over to Google and type in your keywords. Then, take a look at the top 10 results. What are they talking about? What can you add to the conversation?

Next, visit some of the websites that are linking to those top 10 articles. What are they saying? Is there anything you can add to their conversation?

Finally, reach out to some people who are linked to those articles. Ask them what they think about the article. Do they have any other ideas you could add?

By taking these steps, you’ll be sure to come up with an excellent idea for your skyscraper content. So get started today!

Benefits of Building Backlinks with Skyscraper Content

There are many benefits to building backlinks with skyscraper content. Here are just a few:

1. Increased traffic: By creating high-quality content that is link-worthy, you will naturally attract more backlinks to your site.

2. Improved search engine rankings: One of the main factors determining your search engine ranking is the number and quality of backlinks pointing to your site. So by building backlinks with skyscraper content, you can improve your ranking and visibility in search engines.

3. Greater authority and credibility: When other websites link to your site, it helps to build your authority and credibility in the eyes of both users and search engines.

4. More social signals: Backlinks from social media sites carry a lot of weight with Google, so building links with skyscraper content can help boost your social signal

Strategies for Promoting Your Skyscraper Content

When you’ve written skyscraper content, the next step is promoting it to get high-quality backlinks. Here are some strategies for doing so:

1. Reach out to your niche’s influencers and tell them about your content. They may share it with their followers if they find it relevant and valuable.

2. Submit your article to relevant online directories and forums. This will help people looking for this type of information find your content.

3. Use social media to spread the word about your article. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and any other platforms you’re active on.

4. Reach out to bloggers and other website owners in your niche and ask them to link to your article if they find it helpful or interesting. This can help increase its reach and authority over time.

Improving Your Results with Backlinks

If you want to improve your results with backlinks, you can do a few things. First, you need to find high-quality backlinks. There are a few ways to do this:

1. Use a backlink analysis tool like Majestic or Moz’s Open Site Explorer.

2. Look for directories that list quality websites in your niche.

3. Find bloggers who write about topics related to your website and ask them for links.

4. Check out resource pages in your industry to see if there are any opportunities for you to contribute and get a link back.

5. Reach out to other websites and businesses in your niche and offer to exchange links.

Once you’ve found some high-quality backlinks, the next step is to improve the anchor text of your links. The anchor text is the text that appears when someone clicks on a link.

Finally, make sure that your backlinks are coming from relevant pages. A relevant page is about the same topic as the page you’re linking to. 


The skyscraper content technique is a great way to build high-quality backlinks and increase your online presence. By creating unique, valuable, and relevant content that is better than the competition’s, you can reach out to other websites offering similar information and ask them to consider linking to yours. As long as you consistently update your content and engage with potential partners, you should see some positive results from adopting this strategy. Skyscraper content is an invaluable tool for any website to boost its SEO rankings by building more quality backlinks.